THE Professor. Drag. Rachel Duarte Abdala, professor of history and of course teaching permanent Master's Program in Human Development UNITAU participated in the symposium "Women innovative teaching (Sao Paulo, nineteenth and twentieth centuries)”, held at the Library Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo. The event He received the same book name that was released by him. The book was organized by the teachers of the Faculty of Education at USP: Diana Vidal Gonçalves and Paula Perin Vicentini. At the symposium were organized tables with the themes addressed in the book which attended by the authors of the chapters. Prof.. Rachel Duarte Abdala He wrote the chapter entitled: 'Carolina Ribeiro: women's place in Education in São Paulo ".
THE book is the result of a research project entitled: Women and innovation in teaching (Are Paul-France, 1860s-1960s), carried out in partnership between the University of São Paulo (USP) e has Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC), with research groups led, respectively, by Prof.. Drag. Diana Gonçalves Vidal and by Prof.. Drag. Rebecca Rogers. Having been started in 2016, The project involved researchers mobility, including the Professor. Rachel Abdala who went to Paris in November 2016 for participate in activities related to the project. The project also enblobou the production of products, with: publication of results by digital means at the website –; presentation of two panels in ISCHE 2018, in Berlin; e, publication of this book. It is noteworthy that the texts published on the site had to translation the two languages involved in the project: portuiguês and French.