In day 10 from august to teacher. Drag. Alexandra Magna Rodrigues, professor of the Master's Program in Human Development and Student Dean at the University of Taubaté participated, representing the university, of Public Hearing held at the Municipality of Taubaté. As a nutritionist and researcher with several researches carried out and guided on this topic, Prof. Drag. Alexandra Rodrigues spoke in defense of breastfeeding explaining its importance.
The Hearing was proposed by the collective mandate Represent Taubaté. In addition to the participation of the teacher representing UNITAU, the Human Milk Bank also participated, the Education Departments, Health and Social Assistance of the Municipality of Taubaté. The Public Hearing was requested to discuss the issue and raise the actions that need attention from the Public Power and Civil Society for this agenda..
The Hearing was held in person at the Jaurés Guisard Plenary and broadcast on Canal 4.2 from Open TV; through the channel 4 da Net; via Youtube and Facebook from TV Câmara.