During the month of August, presentations, views, chats, courses and experiences take place in all SESC SP Units, celebrating cultural diversity, the presence and current situation of indigenous peoples in our country.

In day 08/08 (Quinta) from 7pm to 9pm there will be a chat “STANDING FOREST AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE“. A dialogue about the role of ancestral wisdom in socio-environmental preservation. As the first inhabitants of this territory, with ways of living and occupying the territory based on good living, indigenous peoples are essential for the preservation of forests.
Awa Djerowewedju is a warrior of the Tupi-Guarani Nhandeva and Kitche-rã Kaingang people and manager and curator of the Worikg Museum. The mediator will be Prof.. Dr. André Luiz da Silva, who is a professor at MDH UNITAU, anthropologist (USP) and PhD in Social Sciences (PUC-SP).
Free entry
Data: 08/08/24
Schedule: 19h from 21h
Local: SESC Taubaté
Avenida Engenheiro Milton de Alvarenga Peixoto, 1264 – Santa Terezinha Esplanade – Taubaté – SP – 12052-230
Find out more and see the program Indigenous August in: sescsp.org.br/agostoindigena