Professors at the University of Taubate (UNITAU) are related in one ranking featuring the world's most influential researchers. THE AD Scientific Index 2022 provides information about more than 1 million scientists distributed in 19.150 universities around the planet. the list of UNITAU count with 21 prominent names, of which the vast majority remain active and integrate the programs of postgraduate offered by the institution.
The scientists' performance profiles cover the three areas of knowledge, with 15 representatives in Biosciences, 5 in Humanities and 1 in exact. THE AD Scientific Index also places UNITAU among the 4.000 most influential universities in the world.
“Indicators like these serve to prove the quality of our faculty, which is reflected in the quality of our courses and the learning of our students. UNITAU produces research, produces knowledge and, therefore, plays an important role in promoting social transformation and improving people’s lives”, says the Dean of the University, prof. Drag. Nara Lucia Perondi Fortes.
THE AD Scientific Index uses Google Scholar indicators as a basis (Google Scholar) – platform specialized in searches related to academic literature. THE ranking is established through a combination of criteria such as the h-index e o i10, that count and evaluate the number of citations received, worldwide, in relation to the articles published by the researchers.
“The classification of UNITAU teachers by AD Scientific demonstrates that the Institution is internationally inserted in the scope of scientific production, who is a participant in the debate and current scientific agendas”, reinforces the dean of Research and Graduate Studies, prof. Drag. Monica Franchi Carniello.
At the top of the UNITAU list, is the prof. Dr. Gilberto Fish. The meteorologist specializes in Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change, member of the faculty of graduate programs in Health Sciences is at environmental Sciences. are related in ranking 89 publications and research carried out by Professor Fisch yielded 6.063 quotes and place it among the 105 1,000 most influential scientists in the world. Among the most recent activities, for example, there is an international survey on climate change in the Amazon with the analysis of simulations of future scenarios and the potential impacts on the Paraíba Valley.
The second position is occupied by Prof.. Drag. Sheila Cavalca Cortelli, professional who is also part of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences and produces research related to periodontics. Among the works developed by her is a survey that sought to relate the negative impacts of diabetes and obesity in the treatment of gum disease.. are in the survey 95 publications and 4.228 quotes related to the researcher.
UNITAU brings together research groups certified by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), with the right to receive funds from development agencies.
The dissemination of knowledge produced by the University occurs regularly from 1996, with the first edition of the Scientific Initiation Meeting (Enic). From that moment, scientific initiation took shape at the University and new meetings were incorporated over the years, such as the Graduate Show (MPG), The Management Seminar (SEA), the University Teaching Seminar (seduni) and the Extension Seminar (Semex). From 2012, there was a unification of the agenda, with the first edition of the International Science Congress, Technology and Development (Cicted). Between the days 19 e 21 next october, UNITAU promotes the XI Cicted, entitled to face-to-face activities after two years of remote programming. More information about the congress and its program is on here.
check out, below, the indicators of the AD Scientific Index 2022 and the relationship of 21 graded teachers.
Universities surveyed – 19.150
countries – 216
Researchers in the world – 1.066.174
World ranking – 3.988
Ranking in Latin America – 267
Rating in Brazil – 117
1 – Gilberto Fisch (Department of Agricultural Sciences)
2 – Sheila Cavalca Cortelli (Graduate in Health Sciences)
3 – Getulio T. Batista (Department of Agricultural Sciences / retiree)
4 – Valter Jose Cobo (Basic Institute of Biosciences)
5 – Itamar A. Martins (Basic Institute of Biosciences)
6 – Evandro Luís Nohara (JUTE / Mechanical Engineering)
7 – Edson Aparecida De Araujo Dear Oliveira (Department of Management and Business)
8 – Rayssa Ferreira Zanatta (Worked at the Graduate Program in Health Sciences until 2021)
9 – Marcelo S. Targa (Department of Agricultural Sciences)
10 – Simey Fish (Basic Institute of Biosciences/ retired)
11 – Other Luiz Da Silva (Basic Institute of Humanities)
12 – Marcela Barbosa de Moraes (Department of Management and Business)
13 – Cecilia Suda (Department of Medicine)
14 – Ana Aparecida Almeida (Department of Agricultural Sciences)
15 – Moacir José dos Santos (Basic Institute of Humanities)
16 – Maria Cecilia Barbosa of Toledo (Basic Institute of Biosciences)
17 – Wendry Maria Paixão Pereira (Physiotherapy Department)
18 – Paulo Fortes (Department of Agricultural Sciences)
19 – Rachel Abdala (Basic Institute of Humanities)
20 – Naira Correia Cusma-Pelógia (Department of Nursing and Nutrition)
21 – Teresa Celia M. M. Santos (Department of Nursing and Nutrition)
Source: https://unitau.br/noticias/detalhes/5458/ranking-mundial-qualifica-professores-da-unitau/