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Master in Human Development holds Seminar on Demands and challenges in time of the Corona virus crisis

In day 16 May the Master's Program in Human Development – MDH held an Interdisciplinary Seminar addressing the theme: Demands and challenges in time of the Corona virus crisis.

Interdisciplinary Seminars are held every two months and are part of the program structure.. in this edition, the first carried out remotely during the period of suspension of face-to-face activities as a way of preventing the Corona virus, the event brought together about 70 people encompassing master's students and graduates of the program, professors and undergraduate students from various courses at the University of Taubaté and students from the Federal Institute of Paraná, institution with which there was approximation due to the participation as one of the debaters of a professor of its faculty.

Regarding the proposed and addressed theme, it was considered that Human Development encompasses the satisfaction of different human needs, the crisis situation caused by the Corona virus pandemic and the emergence of new demands and challenges imposed on society as a whole, and in particular for the popular classes, populations living on the outskirts of large cities to which there are significant losses in terms of livelihoods and access to work and public policies. In addition to these aspects, the relevance of dealing with this theme refers to the fact that in Brazil social inequality is historically recurrent and in times of crisis such inequality becomes even more perverse.. Due to these findings, the objective of the Seminar was to reflect on the impacts of the Corona virus pandemic on Human Development, in an interdisciplinary approach, covering specifically the areas of philosophy, of education, of social assistance and the economy.

Three teachers were invited to the event.: o Prof. Dr. Sidney Reinaldo da Silva, Professor of Philosophy at the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR), professor of the PPGCTS of the IFPR and coordinator of the “Political Philosophy Research Group, Ethics and Education”; o Prof. Dr. Edson Trajano Vieira, Professor in the Master's programs of Regional Planning and Development and Regional Management and Development. Researcher at the Center for Economic and Social Research at UNITAU and Prof.. Drag. Elisa Maria Andrade Brisola, MDH teacher. The mediation was carried out by Prof.. Drag. Rachel Duarte Abdala, MDH teacher.

The teachers' speeches were based on their lines of research, in the studies they carry out and in the theorists who subsidize their studies and research. The professors dealt with aspects related to the crisis of capital, of the current political situation in Brazil, of the concept of human development and its relationship with the economy and the notion of progress. The debate had wide participation of the people present and the discussion was very productive.

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