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Master's degree in Human Development at UNITAU debates culture, development and regionality in a class open to the public

Photo: Ana Patrícia Marinho – ACOM/UNITAU

A class themed on interdisciplinary research on Culture, Development and Regionality inaugurates the academic program of the Master in Human Development (MDH) the University of Taubaté (UNITAU) this year. The meeting will be held in the Meeting Room of the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Next tuesday (12), 19h.

Prof.. Drag. Rachel Duarte Abdalla, general coordinator of the aforementioned postgraduate program, explains why the first meeting approach. “The themes of Culture, of Development, of Regionalities and Interdisciplinarity are central to the Master of Human Development, which deepens, in a diverse way, studies in the area of ​​Social Sciences”.

Still according to the coordinator, the debate on regionality has been quite lively in society and by governmental education bodies, such as the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education (CAPES).

"Therefore, It is important to reflect on the insertion of the University and MDH at a regional level, from a cultural perspective that crosses all other social spheres, such as Economics and Politics”, complements the teacher.

In search of promoting interdisciplinary reflection, the egress, sociologist and professor at the Federal University of Itajubá Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Máximo Pimenta was invited to teach the first Master's class.

"Us [MDH coordination] We have already done work in partnership with Professor Carlos, such as the participation of panels and research integrated with the themes of regionalities and interdisciplinarity from a cultural perspective. That's why, We decided to further strengthen this union with Carlos' rich and in-depth contributions in the first activity of the program. We are convinced that he will have an excellent inaugural class”, says the professor. Rachel.

The event will be open to the public and is recommended for all those interested in expanding their perspective on the community. To participate, just show up on the day 12 March, 19h, in the Hall of Events of the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University of Taubaté, located at Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, 210, Center.


With the aim of training qualified professionals to contribute, effectively, with the transformation of reality, The Master's Degree in Human Development at the University of Taubaté expands knowledge about the role of the individual in interpersonal relationships in different contexts, increasing the repertoire of master's students and promoting the improvement of critical social analysis.

Ana Patrícia Marinho


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