At the day 10 March was held the inaugural class of the Master Program in Human Development at the University of Taubaté. A classroom inaugural, entitled Human Development and Interdisciplinary, It was given by Professor. Drag. Dear Edna Maria de Oliveira Chamon, who along with a group of teachers of the institution created Masters program for ten years. In this ocasion, beyond the classroom inaugural and welcome to the new masters, turma 2020, there was commemorative ceremony of 10 years of the program. At the ceremony it was institutional video presented on the comemotração 10 years from the program, Prof. Edna Chamon was honored and the evening was closed with the presentation of Daniel Cristiano Santos musicians, pianist and guitarist and guitarist Alessandro Vasconcelos,both sãoprofessores the Municipal School of Arts Conductor Fego Camargo and teachers at in Human Development Master's program.
The ceremony was chaired by the Vice-Dean of Research and Graduate Professor. Drag. Sheila Ride Cortelli and skins Profa. Drag. Alexandra Magna Rodrigues, Current program coordinator. The master of ceremonies who led the ceremony, Alessandra Calil, is an official of the University of Taubaté, he worked for more than five years as Secretary of the Program and also titled as the master program.
In addition to entering mestandos and permanent teachers and coleborados program also attended the postgraduate students Aque are currently developing their research and graduates.
Throughout these 10 years the program has established itself as an academic reference in interdisciplinary research area, having trained many teachers who work in various institutions in different regions of the country.
Tribute to Prof., Edna Chamon by Prof.. Aelxandra Rodrigues. Photo of Rachel Duarte Abdala. Master's students starting, turma 2020. Rachel Duarte Abdala photo. Presentation of the musicians Daniel Cristiano Santos and Alessandro Vasconcelos. Photo of Rachel Duarte Abdala prof. Drag. Edna Chamon with the faculty of the Master's Program in Human Development. Picture of: Leonor Santana