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Joint event of the Master in Human Development and Professional Master in Education

The Postgraduate Programs in Human Development and Professional Education at the University of Taubaté promoted and carried out the “Journey for Equity and Inclusion of Difference: let's talk about ethnic-racial relations?”.

The event was held on the day 18 from May of 2023 in the Proceedings Room of the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University of Taubaté. It was carried out in a hybrid way, with simultaneous broadcast on TV UNITAU and was opened by the magnificent dean of UNITAU, Prof. Drag. Nara Lúcia Perondi Fortes, supporting the initiative. The event was also attended by the Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies, prof. Drag. Monica Franchi Carniello and the student dean, prof. Alexandra Magna Rodrigues, who is also a professor of the Master in Human Development.

Public Prosecutor José Carlos de Oliveira Sampaio, who sought partnership with the university to carry out a project on racial equity made a statement on the topic. His speech was followed by that of Professor. Drag. Mirian Cristina de Moura Garrido, professor of the Masters in Human Development and responsible for preparing the IdentidadeS Project, that deals with this topic. Prof.. Mirian Garrido presented the Project and promoted reflection on the issues that this theme encompasses. The project, which began at the end of 2022 already has two scientific initiation research, in the Undergraduate Course in History, guided by Profa. Mirian Garrido, and one in the Master in Human Development, guided by teachers Mirian Garrido and Rachel Duarte Abdala, financed with research grants by UNITAU, by CNPq and Capes, respectively.

Then, research carried out by graduates of the two programs was presented, dealing with aspects related to anti-racist education and black feminism: the masters in Education Juliana Oliveira and Fabiana Almeida treated and the master in Human Development Raíssa Rodrigues

The event was enhanced by an exhibition of twenty photographs by Prof.. Dr. Julius Caesar Voltolini, photographer and teacher of the UNITAU Biology Course entitled: “Black women: the story of three generations”. The exhibition showed the grandmother, the daughters and granddaughters of a family of black women from Taubaté who fight for a space and their rights in the society of the Paraíba valley.

The event was broadcast on the UNITAU TV Channel and the recording can be seen below:


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