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MDH-UNITAU graduates participate as speakers in a latu sensu postgraduate course in Psychopedagogy

In day 13 February 2021, the graduates of the Master's Program in Human Development, the masters Daniel Messias dos Santos, professor of the São Luís do Paraitinga State Network and Gabriela Antonia Correa da Silva, Municipal Secretary of the Taubaté Network participated in the round table “Psychopedagogical performance in the school context”, promoted by the Postgraduate course Summer of Sense in Psychopedagogy, coordinated by Profa. Drag. Mariana de Souza Aranha, professor of the Professional Master's Program in Education MPE, UNITAU.

The round table was moderated by Prof.. Drag. Maria Aparecida Campos Diniz, MDH teacher. In addition to the two MDH graduates, they also participated in the panel as speakers: prof. Heidy Gonzalez Teixeira da Costa, Director of Elementary School I of the Education Department of Campos do Jordão and student of the MPE; prof. Beth Course, Supervisor of the Education Board of the Municipality of Pindamonhangaba; Prof. Plinio Macedo, from the Coordinator of the Municipal Education Network of Taubaté and Professor. Elisângela Siqueira, Coordinator of Special Education at the Municipal Education Center of Jacareí

The event was held remotely via the zoom platform and was attended by education professionals from the Vale do Paraíba region., of postgraduates and masters.

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