José Wellington de Souza / University of Taubaté-UNITAU
Rachel Duarte Abdala / University of Taubaté-UNITAU
Vanete Santana-Dezmann / Johannes Gutenberg University-JGU
John Milton / University of Sao Paulo
This is a public call for texts to compose the dossier Vozes lobatianas in dialogue: possibilities and challenges of studying Monteiro Lobato, to be published in RCH – Revista Ciências Humanas(e-ISSN 2179-1120) of the Postgraduate Programs in Human Development and Education at the University of Taubaté.
The plurality of voices that permeate the discourse and actions of the controversial Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato present challenges, but also multiple possibilities for academic studies. From this premise, this dossier proposes to gather reflections that discuss this dimension and present studies and partnerships to study Monteiro Lobato.
Based on this proposal, we hope that this dossier will bring together a set of texts, researches and researchers that work aspects and themes about Monteiro Lobato's works and actions with contemporary perspectives, interdisciplinary character, theoretical and empirical.
Submission Deadline: 14 February 2022
Expected Date of Publications: april 2022
Criteria: The texts must be written within the requirements of the RCH, according to guidelines indicated at the address:, as well as posted on the magazine's platform (