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Human Rights Dossier 2020 – Revista RCH




Drag. Elisa Maria Andrade Brisola – UNITAU;

Doctoral student Sabrina Diniz Bittencourt Nepomuceno – RENAP.

Dr. Felipe Mello da Silva Brito– OFFICE


The proposal now presented is coordinated by researchers who study Human Rights in Brazil, but who understand the need to expand the dialogue with researchers from other Latin American countries.

In this sense, objective in this dossier, gather articles that express, interdisciplinary, results of studies and research on the various manifestations / violations of human rights, whether in the countryside or in the city, between the different segments that suffer such violations in the contemporary context.

evidently, recognizes the limits to the realization of Human Rights in capitalist society, Yet, it is understood that its effectiveness should overcome its positive aspects, either in the critical realization of these, as in the advancement of conquests that lead to human emancipation.

The history of Brazil and the group of countries in Latin America is marked by social inequality and violation of human rights, which encompass numerous areas of human life, from land grabbing, of culture and bodies.

Despite numerous advances in domestic legislation and international agreements, violations are still recurrent in everyday life in cities and in the countryside; among young blacks, women, LGBTT population, indigenous or quilombolas.

On the other hand, even though we have rights guaranteed by law, it is important to mention that “there is no right without its realization and without its mediations.” VIEIRA, 2004, p. 61). Like this, the reality of deprivation of human rights imposes the need to highlight the mediations that express the antagonistic interests that permeate the relations of social classes in the capitalist system of production in the context of the city and the countryside through, especially, of an approach that gives relevance to the action of subjects that lead the class struggle for the realization of social policies in the perspective of autonomy from a project aimed at human emancipation and, in this sense, with the broad defense of human rights.

In the context of the capital crisis there are violations of human rights, encompassing the intensification of situations of urban violence, criminalization of poverty and social movements, machismo, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, among other guidelines.

In search of mediations to debate these themes in the Brazilian reality, there are situations that, if on the one hand, the organization of feminist movements is evident, the legal-formal defense directly or indirectly of issues of protection of women's rights, of indigenous people, eliminating racism, of homophobia, promoting fundamental freedoms and promoting the right to self-determination, among others, on the other hand, the conservative movement that criticizes the political organization of sectors that have specificities is strengthened, claiming that sectors of the left aim to divide society to “generate conflicts” that divide the population.

What is observed in the current situation is the logic of bourgeois society that has historically replaced human need with market needs, is that, in the words of Marx and Engels (2003, p.28) “he made personal dignity a mere exchange value and in the name of the numerous freedoms he conquered he established the relentless freedom of trade ”, is that, evidently, fulfills the defense of individual private interests.

The socio-political reconfiguration of the political-economic situation in Brazil and Latin America is a link that links the constitution of social reproduction with the genesis of work and is part of the socialization process that has been triggered today. This process is a generalization of the conflict between the capital X work relationship and, at the same time, a particularity of the class struggle that runs through the struggle for Human Rights in different contexts.

The needs of workers are seen as a driving force for their political action, it is imperative to consider the population's awareness process that imposes itself through actions mediated by their ethical-moral formation. This also constitutes the class consciousness of the subjects, that can be favorable to the socio-political organization process, although it has different levels among its members; subjects can occupy their space in the particularity of class struggle, allowing the elaboration of a political project that can give a conscious direction.

The absence of systematic debates and with theoretical foundation has hindered the construction of actions, strategies and responses from the most organized sectors, connected with an approximation of thought and action in the face of situations that demand new proposals and alternatives that respond to the current daily demands and that materialize in the uniqueness of the lives of subjects excluded from access to goods and services of the wealth produced in our society, in its relationship with social movements for the defense of human rights.

It is noteworthy that the listing between the State and capitalism makes relations complex and in certain occasions the economic and the political may not seem to coincide, however the political unfolding in the face of the economic is not a fluke (MASCARO, 2013) and is directly related to the class domain.

Nowadays, it is essential to seek elements present in the State for an analysis that seeks to respond to its understanding in contemporary dynamics. However,, what is highlighted is the importance of understanding that the economic factor is fundamental to give the bases, but the dialectical relationship encompasses all other aspects, as well as the political and the social, for example. Engels (2015) reports that in the materialist conception of history the determining element in history is the production of real life.

In this perspective, we invite researchers who are concerned not only with researching human rights, but those who commit and fight for their effectiveness to participate in this dossier.


– Socialize studies and research on Human Rights developed by researchers in Latin America;

– Encourage dialogue between human rights researchers in Latin America;

– Reporting violations and strengthening the fight for human rights.



Deadline for delivery of the article EXTENDED up until 30 September 2020

Peer review: from May to October 2020

Publication: December 2020

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