Continuing the activities of the Casa do Patrimônio do Vale do Paraíba of IPHAN-SP and the Collaborative Network Observatório da Paisagem SP, next day 28 of April, at 19 hours, we will have the second meeting of the Questions of the Look Cycle, dedicated to the Look at the Territories On the occasion there will be a Virtual Conversation Round that will be broadcast live on the link The poetic opening will be signed by the architect and photographer Pedro Ribeiro, followed by the participation of Terezinha Rezende, consultant for the Amazon Ecomuseum and president of the Brazilian Association of Ecomuseums and Community Museums, to ABREMC, by Rusty Sá Barreto, coordinator of the Mangue Natural Ecomuseum, and Adrian Ribaric, researcher at the Support Center for Research on Populations in Brazilian Wetlands – NUPAUB/IEE/PROCAM/USP. The meeting will be mediated by Maria Siqueira Santos, of the Campos de São José Ecomuseum/CECP. Participate!