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CICTED veterans highlight the role of the advisor in the training of the researcher

With over a decade of experience in scientific initiation work, three professors from the University of Taubaté (UNITAU) report the importance of the figure of the advisor to lead the student along the research trail. They will be among the guiding professors responsible for helping in the presentation of the works registered in the X International Congress of Science, Technology and Development (Cicted).

The tenth edition of Cicted comes with the theme: “The transversality of science and technology and innovations for the planet”.

Prof.. Drag. Viviane Fushimi Velloso has more than 20 years of experience in job orientation, since the editions of the Scientific Initiation Meeting (Enic). For her, mentoring students is very rewarding, because it can accompany the growth and maturation from the theoretical point of view of the research. “I see a contribution in the training of students who get involved in the field, they have many differences,as the critical and complex view of natural and social phenomena, the development of logical reasoning and the ability to analyze data. Another important point is the awakening of interest in the world of science, collaborative behavior and the impacts of teamwork”, he comments.

In scientific initiation, are the bases from which the student who participates can continue to tread the academic paths. Prof.. Drag. Virginia Mara Prospero da Cunha orients works from 2003 e, for her, it is very gratifying to see the student evolve in the research processes. “A congress of this magnitude provides students with, especially undergraduates, entry into scientific initiation, starting as researchers, what is essential. We need great research for humanity to keep evolving. The student who participates in scientific initiation from an early age can see himself as someone who will contribute to society”, rating.

In order for research to be carried out successfully, the role of the mentor is essential, because he is the one who contributes to the personal development of the student. the teacher listens, dialogue, guides and indicates paths.

Prof.. Drag. Rachel Duarte Abdala guides research even before the current configuration of Cicted. For her, assisting the work enables the production of knowledge effectively. “I accompany my advisees in all these stages directly and call their attention to the importance and specificity of each one of them for their academic and scientific training”, it says.

She even explains that, by participating in scientific research, academics perceive the dimension and function of the university, because they can live the experience of producing knowledge and disseminating it from the structure provided by UNITAU, from the availability of trained and experienced teachers for this, to the structure set up for the realization of an institutional event that allows the dissemination of results in an internal way and open to society “By carrying out a research, the student learns the methodological aspects, the value of scientific work and develops, inclusive, self-esteem when realizing their ability to produce knowledge. Lastly, participation in research promoted within the scope of the University promotes the strengthening of its curriculum, being a differential in their insertion in the professional field”, scores.

Linda Ubertti


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