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Students and teachers participate in Seminar on Ethics and Research

Students and teachers of the Masters - MPE and MDH - participated in the XIII Ethics Seminar and were able to follow explanations of the virtual room of the functioning of the Ethics Committee (POCKET), developed by the team EAD UNITAU. no event, faculty and students were instructed on the procedures for the submission of research in the country.

Prof.. Ma. Leonor M. Santana presented the tutorial that aims to facilitate the process of researchers submit their projects in the electronic system set up by the Federal Government, Plataforma Brazil.

The Ethics Committee is of great importance for research. "He plays advisory role and, in particular, educational role, and to promote discussion of the ethical aspects of research in humans in the community "explained Simone Piccini, Secretary of CEP. To fulfill this role, the Committee holds, every year, the Ethics Seminar.

Banner XIII Seminar on Ethics in Research

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