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Selective process 2020 – interview candidates


The Coordination MA in Human Development at the University of Taubaté, comes summon the candidates listed below to the next phase of Selective process 2020, which will consist of an interview.

Local: Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (Same place of the written test)

Data: 13/02/2020 (Thursday)

Schedule: the 16h as 19h


Ana Paula Nogueira de Barros Rezende

Auro Fabio Bornea Ortega

Camila Batista Ribeiro Sene

Clara Livia Salles de Carvalho

Claudio Luis Russian Moyses

Christian Marton Maria de Macedo

Righi Daniel Campos

Daniele Prado Nepomuceno

Dolores Galvão Nunes Hornberger

Gustavo da Silva Miragaia

José Eduardo Manfredini Jr.

Juliana Guratti Flausino

Larissa Soares Franco Miranda

Luiz Alexandre de Paiva Canavezi

Marcos Crescêncio Nephew

Paula Valente Braz

Rafaela Aparecida Gonçalves da Fonseca

Rafaela de Camargo Marcelino

Vagner Ricardo Manoel

Viviane Aparecida Lopes Monteiro de Faria

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