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Master's student of the Postgraduate Program – Master's in Human Development at UNITAU gives an interview to TV Câmara de Taubaté to talk about preventing accidents in the domestic environment

In day 04 March 2024, our Master's student in Human Development, Jackeline Rezende, Attorney, Teacher of Technical Occupational Safety Courses, Work safety technique, participated in the interview panel of the Conexão Popular Program, the first of the year, with Journalist Ana Laura Costa, to talk about prevention in the home environment. Issues related to fires were addressed: how to avoid risks of suffocation and poisoning; on which surfaces we should not use electrical equipment; Proper use of the notebook to avoid overheating the surface on which it is being used; risks regarding the use of socket multipliers (benjamins); risk of falling in domestic environments due to the use of carpets, layout of the residence and other objects; use of cleaning products and risks such as poisoning, what to do, storage and care; how to correctly adapt the power sockets 20 amperes, among other matters in the area of ​​security that are of public utility.

The report is available on the TV Câmara channel on YouTube, check out:

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