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Master in Human Development brings together public managers

What a mayor, two municipal education secretaries and a museum coordinator have in common? These four women, who occupy important positions in public administration in the region, strengthened their professional training with passages through the Master's course in Human Development at the University of Taubaté (UNITAU).

On this International Women's Day, we took advantage of these four examples to honor all the professionals who seek, in its development, best ways to relate to the world.

Lacerda petal, Rosemary Prado Lopes Silva and Gabriela Antonia Correa da Silva are graduates of the course. Nathalia Novaes is in the conclusion phase of her master's thesis.

Pétala took over the Mayor of Caçapava this year and appointed Rosemary as Secretary of Education. Gabriela started 2021 as holder of the Secretary of Education of Taubaté. And Natalia was named, in December last year, coordinator of the Historical Museum, Folkloric and Pedagogical Monteiro Lobato.

In common, the participants of the master's course present as their main characteristic the possibility of interaction with several areas of knowledge.

“Because it is an interdisciplinary master's, it brings to those who go to this area of ​​study a vision of intersectoriality. For the public manager, this is very important. This range of possibilities, of perspectives on life and training of people brings robustness to the lines of research and professional impact”, says the mayor Petal.

in Taubate, Nathália believes that the master's degree brought the possibility of studying the historical contexts, politicians, economic and cultural and to discuss the readings on the impacts of the changes taking place in the society and in the social policies of the country. “The course allowed me to sew this knowledge acquired with my current professional performance and the object of my research: heritage education”.

The Master in Human Development at UNITAU completes 11 years of existence with more than 200 graduates in different areas of activity, as doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers, lawyers and managers.

“Our master's degree is academic. It forms the researcher, let him be able to question, to investigate problems, to seek solutions and work on the way he will relate to the world. When investigating the science of human development, he also develops personally”, concludes the course coordinator, prof. Drag. Alexandra Magna Rodrigues.

Candidates approved in the selection process for the master's degree have (8) until the day 12 March to complete your registrations. The inaugural class is scheduled to take place on the 16 and the start of regular classes must take place from the 18th.More information about the course can be obtained on here.


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