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Master in Human Development holds Seminar on Periphery and precariousness of work in the pandemic

In day 23 June, the Master's Program in Human Development-MDH held an Interdisciplinary Seminar addressing the theme: peripheries, pandemic and precariousness of work. This theme emerges as one of the most pressing to be addressed at this time of what one of the speakers called the “combined crisis”, that is, the confluence and overlap of a series of explorations.

Two speakers were invited to the event.. The first was sociologist Ruy Gomes Braga Neto, specialist in the sociology of work and professor at the Department of Sociology at the University of São Paulo. Ruy Braga holds a Doctorate in Social Sciences from Unicamp and carried out postdoctoral research at the University of California at Berkeley. currently, Head of the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at USP. The second speaker was the writer Helena Silvestre, author of the work Notes on hunger, militant of the Popular Fight movement and editor of the magazine Amazonas. The mediation was carried out by Prof.. Drag. Angela Michele Suave, MDH teacher.

The speakers presented a reasoned analysis of the country's situation in the context of the pandemic, focusing on its consequences in the intensification of the precariousness of work and in urban peripheral regions.. Both claim that this crisis is the result of a process that began at least since 2016. After the speeches, the debate was opened with wide participation of those present.. Aspects on the self-organization of peripheral communities were also addressed., on the informal economy and on the role of the State.

Interdisciplinary Seminars are held every two months and are part of the program structure.. in this edition, A group of about 60 people composed of master's students and professors of the program, professors and undergraduate students from various courses at the University of Taubaté and external students and professors, mainly from the University of Vale do Paraíba-UNIVAP.

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