Job title |
14/05/2019 14h00 |
Dear Edna Maria de Oliveira Chamon, Maria Angela Boccara Paula and Silvana Carneiro Maciel | Rúbia Paula Dias da Silva | "Social representations of depression to graduate from a higher education institution of the Paraíba Valley Paulista" |
Room of Acts / PRPPG Defense MDH 2017 B |
24/05/2019 14h00 |
Renato de Sousa Almeida, Rachel Duarte Abdala, Gisele Viola Machado | Renato Campos Pierotti | "Sport pedagogy in teaching full-time: assessment of student learning sports " |
Room of Acts / PRPPG Defense MDH 2017 A |
28/05/2019 10h00 |
Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco, Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro and Cristovam da Silva Alves | Giovanna Velloso dos Santos | "External evaluation program developed by the Municipal Education System (SEM)” |
Room of Acts / PRPPG Defense MDH 2017 A |
31/05/2019 15h00 |
Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco, Diana Patricia Edith Belfort Souza Camargo ortiz and Andrea Paula dos Santos The. Kamensky | Simone Guimarães Custodio | "The senses and meanings of teaching in view of the students in distance education in teacher training courses" |
Room of Acts / PRPPG Defense MDH 2017 A |