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MDH – Bunkers qualification and Defense - August and September 2015

06/08/2015 11h Maria Aparecida Diniz Campos de Castro, Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco, Suelene Donola Regina de Mendonça and Nelson Antonio Simon Gimenes Vanilda Aparecida Pereira da Silva Clemente Action supervisor in the schools of Integral Education Program of the State of São Paulo network Qualification / PRPPG
Room of Acts
06/08/2015 14h30 Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco, Leticia Maria Pinto da Costa and Maria Rita Lino Tarcia Andrea Flavia de Brito Gonçalves Or Blog no Educational Context: the use of this virtual environment in public schools Qualification / PRPPG
Room of Acts
24/08/2015 10h Mariana Moreira José Spider, Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco and Ivone Yared Glauco D'Seventh Anderson Ferreira Management and School Organization Practices: exercise leadership Qualification / PRPPG
Room of Acts
28/08/2015 10h André Luiz da Silva, Rachel Duarte Abdala, Suzana Lopes Salgado Ribeiro and Rodrigo Manoel Dias da Silva Daniel Messias dos Santos São Luiz do Paraitinga: the invention of a city such as Heritage and Cultural History Qualification / PRPPG
Room of Acts
28/08/2015 10h Alexandra Magna Rodrigues, Edna Chamon, Mariana Moreira Spider Joseph and Rosemary Roggero Walquiria Fernandes Audi Preliminary and Identity undergraduate Lecturer in Rural Education: a study in the Paraíba Valley Paulista Qualification / PRPPG
Living room 01
31/08/2015 15h Maria Angela Boccara de Paula, Maria Auxiliadora dos Santos Sá Avila and Antonio Mauro Pires Dias da Silva Glaucio Jorge de Souza Construction of Identity Nurses: customizing the experience Defense / PRPPG
Room of Acts
03/09/2015 14h Elisa Maria Andrade Brisola, Spider Mariana Moreira and José Luiz Gilvan Hansen Paulo Sergio Araujo Tavares Social Policies in Public Undergraduate Course of Law of Optics Qualification / PRPPG
Room of Acts
10/09/15 14h Maria Aparecida Diniz Campos de Castro, Spider Mariana Moreira and José Conceição Stela Bertholo Piconez Denise Teberga Mendanã Social inclusion in adult education: Projects as a methodological option Qualification / PRPPG
Room of Acts
17/09/2015 11h Maria Aparecida Diniz Campos de Castro, Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco, Suelene Donola Regina de Mendonça and Nelson Antonio Simon Gimenes Vanilda Aparecida Pereira da Silva Clemente Action supervisor in the schools of Integral Education Program of the State of São Paulo network Defense / PRPPG
Room of Acts
17/09/2015 14h Marcia Maria Dias Reis Pacheco, Leticia Maria Pinto da Costa and Maria Rita Lino Tarcia Andrea Flavia de Brito Gonçalves Or Blog no Educational Context: the use of this virtual environment in public schools Defense / PRPPG
Room of Acts


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