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Invitation Inaugural Lecture 07/03 Entrants of students 2017

The Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Education and Human Development the University of Taubaté is pleased to invite teachers, students, family and friends, Inaugural Lecture for the year 2017, to be given by Professor:

Zilda Marcia Grícoli Iokoi

With the theme

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Cultural Diversity in Global Citizenship Constitution Process : mankind face the challenges of intolerance

The event will be held on 07 March 2017, 19h, in the auditorium of Civil Engineering, located at Rua Expeditionary Ernesto Pereira, 99, Center, Taubaté – SP.

Prof. Dr. Francisco José Grandinetti
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
prof. Drag. Dear Edna Maria de Oliveira Chamon
Program Coordinator

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