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Prof Historical Museum event. Paulo Camillero Florence

In day 17 April 2023 commemorative event was held 110 Prof's birth year. Paulo Camillero Florence. The event was configured as a conversation circle with the participation of professor and paleographer Lia Carolina Prado Alves Mariotto, who was responsible for the Taubaté Historical Archive for more than twenty years and knew and worked personally with Prof.. Paulo Camillero Florence; Prof. Drag. Rachel Duarte Abdala, professor and coordinator of the Master's Program in Human Development and the History Course at the University of Taubaté; Sara Vilela Marcondes Rossi and Maurício Pereira de Souza, both graduates of the History Course at UNITAU and who developed research into Paulo Camilher Florençano's performance as a photographer in their respective course conclusion works under the guidance of Prof.. Rachel Abdala. Sara Rossi currently works as cultural producer at the Mazzaropi Museum, who supported the event and Maurício de Souza works as a History teacher. The round table was mediated by historian Fabiana Pazzine, graduate of the History Course at UNITAU.

The event was promoted by the Museums Area, Heritage and Historical Archive of Taubaté and held at the Taubaté Historical Museum Prof. Paulo Camillero Florence.

Paulo Camilher Florençano was a teacher, photographer, designer, designer, illustrator, museologist and worked on several initiatives to preserve the memory of the city of Taubaté and other cities in which he worked. His legacy still needs to be researched in depth. In the Taubaté Historical Archive there is a voluminous collection of documents relating to his activities and photographs by him.

After the round table, the History Course students present visited the museum space and the library.

On the day of the teacher's birth, 18 of April, continuing the celebrations of its patron's birthday, the Taubaté Historical Museum, the Museum Area, Patrimony and the Historical Archive made the Analytical Inventory of the Paulo Camilher Florençano Fund available (with all items listed one by one), the booklet “Exaltation to Paulo Camilher Florençano” written by Profa. Lia Carolina Prado Alves Mariotto and the course conclusion works by Sara Rossi and Maurício Pereira de Souza who researched Paulo Camilher Florençano's role as a photographer.

Like this, the Museums Area tries to encourage new research on professor Paulo Camilher Florençano.


Photos by Angelo Rubim, by Lucas Rafael and Rachel Abdala

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