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PRESS coronavirus 17/03 – EXECUTIVE ACT No. 009/2020

This act provides for measures to prevent contagion and coping and contingency, within the University of Taubaté, pandemic viral respiratory infectious disease caused by Coronavirus agent (COVID-19) and other measures.

Dr. Professor Nara Lucia Perondi Strong, Dean of the UNIVERSITY OF TAUBATÉ, in exercise of its legal duties and regimental, in view of the provisions of Federal Law No. 13.979, from 6 February 2020,

CONSIDERING the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health No. 188, from 3 February 2020, that "Declares Emergency in Public Health National importance (ESPIN) due to the Human infection by the new coronavirus (2019-peak)”, and the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health No. 356, from 11 March 2020, that "Provides for the regulation and operation of the provisions of Law No. 13.979, from 7 February 2020 ";

WHEREAS the State Decree 64.862, from 13 March 2020 and State Decree 64.864, from 16 March 2020, which provide for the adoption of emergency temporary measures to prevent contagion by COVID-19;

CONSIDERING the Municipal Decree No. 14.689, from 16 March 2020, declaring emergency in the city of Taubaté;

Considering Article 207 of the Federal Constitution which guarantees the universities didactic and scientific autonomy, administrative and financial management and asset and, still, the Lei nº 9.394, from 20 December 1996, that "establishes the guidelines and bases of national education", especially the provisions contained in Articles 53 e 54;

Considering Ordinance No. MEC 2.117, from 6 December 2019, that "Provides for the workload of supply in Distance Learning mode - distance education in classroom undergraduate courses offered by Institute of Higher Education - IES belonging to the Federal Education System";

CONSIDERING the need to contain the spread of infection and local transmission and preserve the health of students, trainees, teachers, servers, contractors and public employees in general;

WHEREAS the measures proposed by the Commission Covid-19 - Unitau, established by Decree R-No 071/2020, aimed at preventing and containing the Covid-19, as Case No. R-009/2020;

CONSIDERING the need to keep operating and administrative activities to ensure the smooth running of services,


Art. 1º The Executive present Act provides for temporary measures, and exceptionally, infection prevention and coping and contingency, within the University of Taubaté, pandemic viral respiratory infectious disease caused by Coronavirus agent (COVID-19), as emergency public health declared by Decree No. NE 113, from 12 March 2020.

Art. 2º They are suspended for thirty days the academic classroom activities of classroom courses of Graduation, Postgraduate and Extension, except boarding activities of the medical school and residency.

§1ºThis suspension applies, too, the educational activities of Dr Application School. José Alfredo Balbi.

§2ºClasses and other classroom activities 16 a 21 March 2020 They will return in person to the return of regular classes.

§3º The lectures, from 23 March 2020, They will be held for the sole use of non-personal digital communication capabilities, lasting for the period necessary to prevent the contagion.

§4ºThe replacement of the disciplines with practical classes and practical subjects will be made in its entirety in order to face the return of regular classes.

§5ºDuring the period of suspension, teachers remain at the disposal of Teaching Units, to serve the purpose of the regular classes transitional measures to be adopted for the distance education system, as well as compliance with the teaching plans and maintenance of quality of teaching and student learning.

§6º Not apply the period of suspension of academic activities to undergraduate courses, Postgraduate and Extension, in the distance, except to face meetings.

Art. 3ºDuring the period that lasts the present Executive Act, libraries, laboratories, clinics and offices of the University work on a rotating scale according to the needs of each unit Teaching and meet, exclusively, the internal activities of the University, prohibited the personal assistance to students and the general public and the completion schedules.

Art. 4ºAre canceled all in-person academic events planned in the school calendar for the first half of 2020 University, such as: congress, seminars, meetings, fairs, games, travel academic and pedagogical, graduation ceremonies, etc.

Art. 5ºThe departments of Education will provide care units, preferably, electronic students.

Art. 6ºFrom day 23 March 2020, administrative units will operate in reduced journey, necessary to personal assistance, while ensuring adequate provision of service.

§1ºThe technical and administrative staff comply with reduced working hours, clockwise understood from 10h to 16h, with 15 minute intra-day interval.

§2º Not apply to working hours reduced to the occupants of the guard positions and concierge.

§3º Radio Unitau can keep different hours of operation, as your schedule.

Art. 7ºThere may be a dispensation to work, upon prior request, accompanied by skilled documents, and express authorization of the Human Resources, to servers that have the following conditions:

I- chronic respiratory diseases or that lower immunity;

II- treatment in oncological, already done in the last six months, or course of radiotherapy or chemotherapy;

III - Chronic heart disease;

IV – diabetes insulinodependente;

V - Chronic renal failure;


VII - autoimmune diseases;

VIII - hepatical cirrhosis;

IX – hypertension

X - pregnant women and nursing mothers;

XI - with children under 1 (one) year;

XII - with 60 (sixty) years or more.

§1ºThe servers that are under any of the conditions set forth in items I to X shall submit a certificate or medical report to be submitted to evaluation of SESMO.

§ 2º The server waiver period will be set on an exceptional basis, It may be renewed or canceled at any time at the discretion of the University.

§ 3º Compliance with the caption does not prejudice or meets the approval for health reasons and compulsory license, under applicable legislation.

Art. 8ºThe Contract Management Sector shall notify the contractors for these responsibility to adopt the necessary means to raise awareness of its employees about the risks of COVID-19 and the need to report the occurrence of symptoms of fever or respiratory symptoms, otherwise contractual liability in the event of failure that results in damage to the university administration.

Art. 9º As prophylactic measures, determine the heads of the various units of the University to observe the following guidelines:

I - adopt prophylactic measures, asepsis, health and information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19);

II - avoid overcrowding, especially in environments where you can not ensure natural ventilation;

III - recommend conducting virtual meetings or, not being possible, these are undertaken only with the participation of people essential to decision-making, to education and completion of office.

Art. 10 Pro-rector Administration is authorized to adopt other measures to prevent internal propagation COVID-19, in particular, the intensification of cleaning streams environments.

Art. 11 All units of the University shall adopt, preferably, electronic media.

Art. 12 The provisions of this Executive Act does not exempt other measures that may be necessary to COVID-19 combat that might be proposed, or determined by other public entities.

Art. 13 This Executive Act shall enter into force on the date of its publication, backdating its effects 16 March 2020.

Rectory and Commission Covid-19 UNITAU

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