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Communication and Human Development


Leticia Maria Pinto da Costa

Project title

Communication and Human Development


Main goal
Understand the interface of communication processes with aspects related to human development.

Specific objectives
– Investigate the interference of information (advertising and journalism) conveyed by the mass media, including websites and digital social networks, on the daily lives of individuals;
– Find out how organizations use communication tools in their relationship with their different audiences, especially in the sphere of Human Resources;
– To investigate the relationship between media & Politics;
– Check how communication tools help the conduct of different public policies (social spheres, environmental, health and education)

theoretical Foundations
Research in this area is driven by communication theories and supported by other fields such as sociology and social psychology. (theory of social representations), that have always enabled a more appropriate understanding of the power of communication in the development of societies.

Research in communication have quantitative and qualitative perspectives, supported by research methods and techniques of the Social Sciences, having as main instrument of data collection interviews, questionnaires and analysis of materials (pieces of communication - advertising and news announcements in mass and targeted media and postings
social networks ).
For analysis of the interviews and materials, It is applied to content analysis technique (BARDIN, 2007).
The processing of data using computational tools (ALCESTE, IRaMuTeQ, SPHINX, SPSS).

Suggestions for topics related to the project that can be developed
– Studies related to the influence of the media in the formation of identities.
– Studies related to the influence of the media on human development processes.
– Information and Communication Technologies in Education
– Communication and Education
– Mass Communication (Advertising and Journalism) and the daily lives of individuals
– Communication on Social Networks Digital
– Media & Politics
– Media and Public Policy (social spheres, environmental, health and education)
– Communication policies in Human Resources)

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