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Call for Publication Magazine Development Prospects

The Development Perspectives Magazine: a multidimensional approach, biannual publication of the student body of the initiative of the Graduate Program in Development, Society and International Cooperation of the Center for Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Brasília (PPGDSCI / CEAM / UnB), invites the academic community, managers, social movements and other thinkers with expertise in issues of development and international cooperation to submit unpublished contributions, single or coauthored, for its third edition.
The third edition of the journal will accept articles, reviews, interviews, memoirs (speeches, depositions, documents and sources), as well as photo essays on the following themes:
International cooperation – that critically portray mechanisms, tools and approaches to technical cooperation, political and financial bilateral, trilateral e multilateral, including humanitarian assistance. South-South cooperation should be highlighted.
Development: that identify theoretical models that propose to analyze development from a multidimensional perspective, incorporating in addition to the economic aspect, the humanist bias, social, environmental and international of this complex process. Preference is given to papers consider the dimensions seamlessly, recognizing the limits to the unifocal perception of development. Issues such as measurement and development of local strategies are also covered in the magazine.
Human rights: that seek to identify issues relevant to different realities, with the constant concern to explore new frontiers of debate on human rights, as well as international developers mechanisms of protection and accountability practices on human rights, in addition to the disclosure and dissemination of information on violations of human rights as a way to combat them.
Public policy: that contemplate the different stages of the public policy cycle, and setting the agenda; elaboration; formulation; Implementation; execution; monitoring and evaluation, and identify interfaces between theoretical models and public policies observed. They will also be accepted papers that address contemporary issues of political science, as comparative studies, broadcasting policy, institutional arrangements and importance of actors and stakeholders in the definition of public policies.
Society and Culture: that investigate the relationships between individuals and communities, their representations, symbolic and artistic expressions, the imaginary, cultural knowledge and techniques, identities and memories, held in spaces and diverse periods of time. Studies have examined the culture and its connections with other areas, such as education and the power relations in society.
Contributions should be sent, until the day 30 September 2014, in a single document, to the journal's email address(, following the guidelines for authors.
Please be advised that all texts must be unpublished in Brazilian publications and the accepted papers will not necessarily be published in the third edition.
The Journal is an electronic publication of semiannual and nonprofit. Its editorial board is made up of researchers with expertise in the theme of development, society and international cooperation.”
By: Team Publishing / Magazine Development Prospects

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