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18/05 14h – Identities project: past and present

We are honored to invite you to participate in the Unitau Journey for equity and inclusion of difference: let's talk about ethnic-racial relations?

Conceived and organized by the Master in Human Development and Professional Master in Education, the event will take place on the day 18 from May of 2023, the 14:00 at 18:00 hours, at the University of Taubate.

at the opportunity, we would like to make public the construction and derivative works of the “Projeto IdentidadeS: past and present” and the Special Commission for Ethnic-Racial Relations of the University of Taubaté.

Then, Raíssa Rodrigues, Fabiana Almeida and Juliana Oliveira, students and graduates of the Masters who organize the event, will present considerations about their research, whose theme dialogues with the Unitau Journey for equity and inclusion of difference and the IdentidadeS Project.

Local: Hall of Acts (UNITAU PRPPG)
Address: Visconde do Rio Branco Street, 210, Center, Taubaté – SP
Data: 18/05 – 14h

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