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06 at 09/12 – III Monteiro Lobato Journey

III Monteiro Lobato Journey – 2021

06 at 09 from December 2021 - 14h

This event is an initiative to discuss, reflect and disseminate aspects of Monteiro Lobato's work and performance, in addition to related topics.
The event encompasses different areas and themes, in the interdisciplinary perspective, with the participation of researchers linked to various institutions, including international institutions and is promoted in partnership between the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo, the Lobato Observatory and the Master's Program in Human Development at the University of Taubaté.
The event is free, will be carried out remotely and will be broadcast by UNITAU TV, no YouTube.

Enrollment can be done soon below, and is only necessary for those who wish to receive the certificate.

Data do evento: 6 at 9 december 2021

  • 06/12 - Monday - 14h
    opening speech Brazilian children's and youth literature translated into German – an overview / Brazilian children's and youth literature in German translation – an overview
    Ms. John Weber (International Youth Library – Munich)
    Interpreter: Luisa Carlos de Santis
    Presentation search group, work and study “Lobato Observatory”

  • 07/12 - Tuesday - 14h
    Reading Reigns of Narizinho – portuguese and german
    Anna, Miguel and Rafael
    Interpreter for LIBRAS: Queila Erica Tagliatti de Souza (UFJF)
    Round table 1 Lobato for the world – children's work
    Drag. Andrea da Silva Rosa (UFSC/UNIP), Esp. Queila Érica Taligliatti dde Souza (UFJF), Dr. Marcel Veljmelka (JGU), Drag. Marina Darmaros (USP) and Dr. Vanete Santana-Dezmann (JGU)
    Round table 2 Lobato for the world – adult work
    Drag. Ana Lessa-Schmidt, Dr. John Milton (USP), Drag. Vanete Santana-Dezmann (JGU)

  • 08/12 - Wednesday - 14h
    Gym 1 Lobato and his contributions to the nationality of literature (cf.)
    Maria dos Prazeres Santos Mendes
    Gym 2 masks and disguises: letters from children and young people to Emília and Dona Benta
    Drag. Patricia Beraldo Romano (UNIFESSPA)
    Gym 3 Lobato's impressions in the “America”
    Ms. Filipe Chamy (USP)
    Gym 4 Werewolf: communist? Stalinist? Trotskyist? Aristocrat? – Fables and Stories of Tia Nastácia
    Dr. John Milton (USP)

  • 09/12 - Thursday - 14h
    Round table 3 Monteiro Lobato and the genesis of Saci
    Drag. Amaya Prado (UFMS), Dr. André Luiz da Silva (UNITAU) and Dr. José Wellington de Souza (UNITAU)
    Closing lecture Public policies and race relations
    Ms. Andréia de Jesus (Zumbi dos Palmares University)



When choosing the types of subscriptions you want to make, click in “+” to select the amount. after finishing, Click on the button “Enroll” Right below.


Deadline for submission: __ from ____


Organizing Committee of the Monteiro Lobato Conference
III Monteiro Lobato Journey
Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at USP and University of Taubaté

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